AZALR Bylaws_approved_Oct 2021.pdf Size : 200.364 Kb Type : pdf |
AZALR Bylaws_Oct 2021_signed.pdf Size : 1683.413 Kb Type : pdf |
To participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the Aims and Purposes of The American Legion. To promote motorcycle safety programs and to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members who share an interest in motorcycles. To promote and support programs of The American Legion. To assist other Arizona Legion Posts in forming American Legion Rider chapters. To be a conduit of information from National and the Department to American Legion Riders in Arizona, and to provide input to National and the Department on issues relating to ALR. {The use of the word "he" or "him" in these by-laws is used in its generic term and is not meant to exclude the female gender.}
By Laws
I. Membership
A. The American Legion Riders (ALR) is a program for members in good standing of The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion, collectively "The Legion Family", who share an interest in motorcycling.
B. All American Legion Rider Chapters in the Department of Arizona and their members in good standing are members of the American Legion Riders - Department of Arizona (hereinafter referred to as "AZALR").
C. Each American Legion District in the Department of Arizona (through its AZALR District Representative), the Chairman (only in the event of a tie), and the three (3)Area Vice Chairmen of AZALR shall have one (1) vote in matters before the AZALR.
II. AZALR Committee:
A. Every American Legion Rider Chapter present at the AZALR Meeting of the Department of Arizona Annual Convention shall be entitled to one (1) vote for an AZALR District Representative from their respective District and one (1) vote for an AZALR Area Vice Chairman from their respective Area. Proxy votes shall not be allowed. The Director from each Chapter shall be the delegate casting votes for their respective Chapter. If the Chapter Director is not in attendance at the AZALR Annual Convention, they must designate in writing, to the AZALR Secretary, the designated delegate from their Chapter prior to the commencement of any elections.
B. AZALR District Representatives and Area Vice Chairmen (commencing with the 2022 Annual Convention) shall be elected annually at the Department of Arizona Annual Convention. In the event of a tie vote which cannot be broken after three (3) consecutive ballots, those District Representatives elected at the Annual Convention shall interview and choose a District Representative or Area Vice Chairman from those Districts or Areas unable to decide upon a District Representative or Area Vice Chairman. All District Representatives and Area Vice Chairmen must be a member in good standing of The Legion Family and a member in good standing of an ALR Chapter within his respective District.
C. The AZALR Chairman shall be appointed annually by the Department Commander no later than ten (10) days after the Annual Convention. The AZALR Chairman cannot be a District Representative. Anyone who wishes to be appointed as AZALR Chairman should notify the Department Committee on Committees no later than thirty (30) days prior to the Department Annual Convention. The AZALR Chairman must be a member in good standing of The Legion Family and a member in good standing of an ALR Chapter within the Department of Arizona.
D. The AZALR Secretary shall be appointed by the AZALR Chairman annually within ten (10) days of the appointment of the AZALR Chairman. The AZALR Secretary cannot be a District Representative. The AZALR Secretary must be a member in good standing of The Legion Family and a member in good standing of an ALR Chapter within the Department of Arizona.
E. The AZALR District Representatives and the AZALR Chairman, Area Vice Chairmen, and Secretary shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed.
F. The AZALR Chairman, Area Vice Chairmen and Secretary may only be removed by the Department Commander and for "good cause". "Good cause" is defined as actions or activities by that person which bring discredit or dishonor to the American Legion or to the American Legion Riders.
G. The AZALR District Representatives may only be removed by a majority vote of the AZALR Chairman, Area Vice Chairmen, Secretary, and remaining District Representatives and for
"good cause". "Good cause" is defined as actions or activities by that person which bring discredit or dishonor to The American Legion or to the American Legion Riders.
H. AZALR District Representatives and the AZALR Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary shall be automatically removed from Office if that person is no longer a member of an ALR Chapter in the Department of Arizona, and, for District Representatives and Area Vice Chairmen, no longer a member of an ALR Chapter within his respective District or Area.
I. Vacancies during the term of Office of a District Representative, Area Vice Chairmen or Secretary shall be filled by appointment by the AZALR Chairman.
J. Vacancies during the term of Office of the AZALR Chairman shall be filled by appointment by the Department Commander.
III. Fiscal Provisions
A. AZALR shall not assess any dues or fees to Arizona Chapters of the American Legion Riders or their Riders. However, AZALR may raise revenue from other lawful sources for specific programs, to be administered by an ALR Chapter agreed upon the AZALR Committee.
B. Disbursement of funds will be only for those purposes authorized by a majority of AZALR District Representatives present and voting (either at a meeting or via e-mail).
IV. Meetings
A. Meetings of the AZALR Committee will be held at a date, time and place as agreed upon by a majority of the District Representatives present and voting, or as agreed upon by a majority consensus via e-mail.
B. Meetings of the AZALR will be held at a date, time and place as agreed upon by a majority of ALR Members present and voting at a duly constituted meeting of AZALR members.
C. Those District Representatives present at a meeting or responding to an e-mail will constitute a quorum.
V. Committees
A. The AZALR Chairman may appoint such standing or special subcommittees or Officers as he shall deem advisable for the benefit of AZALR.
B. By a majority vote of the District Representatives present and voting (or responding to an e mail), the AZALR Committee may appoint such standing or special subcommittees as it may deem advisable for the benefit of AZALR.
VI. Duties of the AZALR Committee
A. Chairman. Will serve as Chief Administrative Officer of AZALR and will preside over all meetings; is responsible for disseminating information to District Representatives and the AZALR Membership, and for relaying information/positions to the Department and National. He shall perform such other duties as authorized by the District Representatives, AZALR Membership, and the Department Commander.
B. Area Vice Chairman. Will assume the duties of the Chairman in his absence or inability to serve. Deference will be given to the Area Vice Chairman from the same area as the AZALR Chairman. Area Vice Chairmen shall coordinate with the AZALR District Representatives in their respective Area and disseminating information to the AZALR District Representatives within his Area, for obtaining information on ALR activities within his Area and for relaying comments, information, etc., received from AZALR members in his Area to the Chairman. The Area Vice Chairman will also interface and coordinate ALR activities and concerns with his respective American Legion Vice Commander.
C. Secretary. Will keep a full and correct record of all proceedings of AZALR meetings.
D. District Representatives. Are responsible for disseminating information to the AZALR Chapters within his District, for obtaining information on ALR activities within his District and for relaying comments, information, etc., received from AZALR members in his District to the Chairman. The District Representative will also interface and coordinate ALR activities and concerns with his respective American Legion District Commander.
VII. Amendments to By-laws
A. These By-Laws may be amended at any AZALR meeting by vote of two-thirds of the AZALR members attending such meeting, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing and read at the immediate preceding AZALR meeting or e-mail notice having been given to all AZALR members to the greatest extent practicable at least ten (10) days in advance of the proposed amendments and the dates when such amendments are to be read and voted upon. Any amendment to these By-laws is subject to review by the Department of Arizona Judge Advocate and shall not be in conflict with any National or Department Constitution, By-laws, or Directives.
VIII. Arizona American Legion Rider Chapters
A. In order to be recognized by AZALR as an American Legion Riders Chapters, each individual Chapter must be sponsored by a recognized American Legion Post, Department of Arizona, and must advise the AZALR Committee Chairman, Department of Arizona, when the provisions of this Article have been met.
B. Each Chapter must adopt a Constitution and/or By-laws for the organization of its individual chapter. The original Constitution and/or By-laws, and any amendment thereof, are subject to the approval of the Sponsoring Post and shall not be in conflict with any National, Department, or Post Constitution, By-laws, or Directives.
C. At a minimum, the Constitution and/or By-laws of each Chapter must contain the following: <> The membership year of the ALR Chapter must be from January 1 to December 31.
<> The only authorized ALR logo and patch are those which are sold through Emblem Sales.
<> A Post officer must be a signator on any ALR Chapter Bank accounts.
<> In order to be an ALR member, one must be a member in good standing of The Legion Family (The American Legion, The American Legion Auxiliary, or Sons of the American Legion).
D. Although not required, it is strongly suggested that ALR Chapters include the following in their Constitution or By-Laws or other rules of procedure:
<> That there be at least two signatures on any ALR Bank accounts required to transact business.
<> That rocker placement be in such a way as to not make it appear that the ALR Rider or Chapter is a Motorcycle Club, and to not create any potential problems with motorcycle clubs.
<> That there be provisions for the removal (and replacement) of officers, and for the removal of members from the local Chapter of the ALR.
<> That the operator of a motorcycle should possess a valid license (endorsement) to operate a motorcycle in his state of residence.
<> That the operator of a motorcycle should maintain and keep current any and all insurance which is required by the State in which his motorcycle is licensed.
_____________________ ____________________ Gerard H. Brinkmann Ben Headen AZALR Chairman Department Commander